We've made it to December! It has been a whirlwind week here in Pre-K! The teachers in our program were visited by the state for our bi-annual program compliance visit. While we are confident in our program, there is definitely a huge amount of added stress when this visit occurs. Everything went well and we are all thrilled it is over and we can enjoy the holiday season!
This week we were focusing on the stories of the Three Little Pigs. We read a new version each day, as we've been doing with the other classic stories, and discussed the similarities and differences. The children spent a lot of time building structures this week as a result of our discussions surrounding the 3 Pigs building material choices.
"The tallest house for the 3 pigs"
We also received some new materials in the mail this week: tunnels, a rubber track, and wooden balls. The students loved exploring these new items in the block area. They changed their designs to see how many "hills" they could make, how far they could get the ball to go, and how much they could get the ball to curve. It was a fantastic way to work some science into their play!
And, as usual, we spent time just exploring the different materials in the room!
"Bug Eyes" |
"Which is Heavier?" |
Zane's kite
Next week we will be ending our classic stories theme with The Gingerbread Man. We are ready to bring some holiday spirit into our room! Don't forget to mark your calendars for the December Pre-K Family Night on Tues. December 13th!!